볼리우드(인도영화) 뉴스

[2006/2/25] 아비쉑 밧찬(Abhishek Bachchan), 인도 LG전자 모델 되다

다음블로그한글로 2006. 2. 26. 20:42

자예드 칸에 이어서 아비쉑 밧찬이 인도 LG전자의 모델이 되었다는 이야기...

자예드칸은 핸드폰과 DVD플레이어만 했는데, 아비쉑은 전체 다 모델에다가 2년 계약까지 했대요.







Abhishek will endorse LG home appliances

After Zayed Khan now this year viewers can see Abhishek Bachchan endorsing LG products. LG Electronics India Pvt Ltd (LGEIL) has signed Abhishek Bachchan as brand ambassador for its home appliances.

Last year Zayed Khan was signed for LG Electronics like mobile phones and DVD players. It is also the first time that LG has signed on a brand ambassador to launch new positioning, lending a differential appeal to the whole category.

A two year contract has been signed by Abhishek to endorse the entire range of home appliances of the company. However, the actor feels that the LG Electronics is synonymous with quality and commitment to consumers the world over.




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