볼리우드(인도영화) 뉴스
[2006/2/25] 샤룩 칸 (Shahrukh Khan), 컴팩 프리자리오 광고 모델 되다
2006. 2. 26. 20:24
* 한글로 맘대로 해석
샤룩 칸은 펩시와 럭스 광고에 이어서 컴팩 프리자리오(휴렛패커드[HP] 브랜드, 합병했죠?)
컴퓨터 모델이 되었다고 합니다. 그 이전에는 Big B (아미타브 밧찬)께서 하셨대요.
5천만에서 7천만 루피 = 15억 - 20억원 정도 받았을 것이라고..

Actor Shahrukh Khan to endorse Compaq Presario |
By IndiaFM News Bureau, February 25, 2006 - 02:28 IST
After Pepsi, Lux and other several ads actor Shahrukh Khan will endorse Compaq Presario, the brand from Hewlett Packard.
Khan who has already endorsed many big products feels great to be part of the Compaq Presario. This is for the first time he is endorsing a computer brand. The actor feels proud to add this in his portfolio. He believes that kids nowadays are so active and taking interests in computers. The brand Compaq Presario was bought over by HP in 2001 and includes notebooks, PDAs and desktop computers.
It is believed that Khan charges anything between Rs 5 crore to 7 crore for a brand endorsement, which is close to Big B's charges.
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