볼리우드(인도영화) 뉴스
[2006/10/3] 랑그데 바산띠 (Rang De Basanti) - 오스카 8개 부문에 출품
2006. 10. 10. 01:38
* 이미 지난 기사를 통해, 인도 독립 운동 (특히 바갓트 씽 Baghat Singh중심)을 다룬 영화, 랑그데 바산띠 (노랗게 칠해라, Rang De Basanti )가 인도 대표로 "외국어 영화상 부문"에 출품되었다는 소식을 전했는데요...
그 밖에 7개의 일반 부문에도 출품을 했다고 합니다.
Best Film, Direction, Cinematography, Screenplay, Editing, Art Direction , Sound Design
헐리웃의 유수한 영화와 경쟁을 해야 하는데...
제 개인적인 생각으로는.. 좀 어렵지 않나 싶지만, 인도는 희망이 있다고 생각하는 모양입니다. ^^ 어쨌든, 라게 라호 문나바이와 함께 인도 영화가 이번 아카데미에서 많이 노출되었으면 하는 바램입니다. 그냥 "인도 예술 영화"가 아닌 "인도 상업 영화"가 말이지요.
- 한글로 / 인도 영화를 사랑하는 사람들의 모임 www.indiamovie.co.kr
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By IndiaFM News Bureau, October 3, 2006 - 09:00 IST | |
India’s Official Entry for Best Foreign Language Film to also compete in other Mainline categories The movie that became a movement in India, Rang De Basanti, is all set to do the same at the 79th Annual Academy Awards to be held in February 2007 in Los Angeles. The film will be competing in a total of eight categories at the Awards. Besides being India’s official nomination in the category of Best Foreign Language Film, the film will compete in seven other categories including Best Film, Direction, Cinematography, Screenplay, Editing, Art Direction and Sound Design at the 79th Annual Academy Awards. There is only one official entry per country in the coveted foreign language film category and Rang De Basanti is the official one. Outside of that we have also applied in 7 Mainline Categories but our focus will remain in the foreign language category said Ronnie Screwvala, CEO of UTV and Producer of Rang De Basanti. When asked about recent reports of Lage Raho Munnabhai also sending in an application he clarified, “Firstly, in the Foreign Language Category no other film can apply from India. Therefore Rang De Basanti will not be competing with any other Indian film. Secondly, it is true that any film can apply in the Mainline Category but then you are up against all the Hollywood Majors, where we too have applications in 7 such categories.” When further queried whether he would have applied separately had Rang De Basanti not been the official entry, his answer was No. “We believe there should only be one entry per country and for us now Rang De Basanti does not belong to UTV or Rakeysh Mehra but to every Indian.” |